At Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, we have many ministries all who have many pathways to reach one goal:
serving God in His Kingdom.

Music Ministry
Our team of musicians and singers practice songs throughout the week in preparation for the weekly worship service. Their praise and worship song selections range from Christian Contemporary to Urban Gospel songs and even traditional or "old-school" hymns. The praise and worship team is also responsible for setting the mood and engaging the congregation during the worship service.
Bro. Stanford Cooper - Musician
Rev. Prince Johnson - Interim Choir Director
K.L.I.C.K. Ministry
is a youth ministry dedicated to establishing Christian morals, values and behaviors in young people by using creative methods to inspire and ignite our K.L.I.C.K!
Sis. Candace D. Moore - Youth Ministry Director
Sis. Karis Mitchell - Assistant Youth Ministry Director

My Brother's Keeper Men's Ministry
MBK desires to develop a community of men dedicated to cultivating real relationships and spiritual maturity. The aim of MBK is to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another with intentional kingdom action and inclusive kingdom attitude. Their pledge is to use their time, energy and resources to contact and meet the needs of men in the church and the wider community.
Deacon Karl Rhen - MBK Chairperson
Peace of Mind Women's Ministry
POM is an arm of the church committed to helping women understand their calling and find their place of ministry in the home, church, and the marketplace. We want to see women of all ages anointed by God and released to fulfill their destiny in the Kingdom of God. POM is a ministry for women that is relevant, exciting, and contagious.
Sis. Penny Saddler - POM Chairperson

Sight and Sound Media Ministry
The Media Ministry uses audio and visual technology to assist the technical, physical, and spiritual needs of those who seek God and those who teach God, so that they can impart that message to the hearts and ears of the Body of Christ. When someone speaks, prays, or sings the Word of God, it flows through audio and visual equipment. We transform worship to be played strongly through out the church. The Media Ministry is instrumental in maintaining the atmosphere of worship during any and every service and event. Equipping the media team with proper training, equipment and communication skills, God's will can be taught in a modern and interactive way.
Deacon Terry Smith - Media Ministry Chairman
Rev. Prince Johnson - Social/Digital Media Director
Usher Board
As HMBC Ushers, we are more than just greeters. We are committed to ushering, helping, and serving in a friendly manner to encourage and build the atmosphere of worship with love desired to witness the Glory of God. We are committed and willing to serve everyone that enters the sanctuary. We welcome our members and guests to an atmosphere of worship and praise.
Sis. Rose Wallace - Head of the Usher Board

Even More
There are even more ministries that aren't listed. Press the button below to get more information or to join a ministry.